Query Cache in Laravel

A query cache is a cache of the results of a database query. Laravel has an inbuilt query cache that can be used to store the results of queries. When you run a query, Laravel checks the query cache first and if it finds the result there, it returns it immediately without running the query again.

Query Cache

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;

This will retrieve data from the cache article_list but it's the cache article_list not exists it will get the data from the database and store it in to cache forever.

public function articleList()
    $articles = Cache::rememberForever('article_list', function() {
        return DB::table('articles')
                'articles.title as title',
                'articles.content as content'
    return view('article_page', ['articles' => $articles]);

This will retrieve data from the cache article_list but it's the cache article_list not exists it's will get the data from database and store it to cache 60 second.

public function articleList()
    $articles = Cache::remember('article_list', 60, function() {
        return DB::table('articles')
                'articles.title as title',
                'articles.content as content'
    return view('article_page', ['articles' => $articles]);

Remove cache

If you use DB query to update, create, or delete you can use this to clear the cache on action


For eloquent you can create this to model for clear cache on creating, updating, deleting

public static function boot()
    static::creating(function() {

    static::updating(function() {
    static::deleting(function() {