VueJs - Create Axios API request base boilerplate

In this section, we will explore how to create an Axios API request boilerplate in Vuejs. We will create a basic Vue.js application and make a request to an Axios endpoint that returns a list of products in the database with the structure for CRUD calling with Axios.

Installing Axios dependency

npm install axios

Custom Axios

In your ./src create axios.js file

import axios from "axios";

const http = axios.create({
    baseURL: "",
    headers: {
        "Accept": "application/json"

export default http;

Create base service

In ./src create services folder and in services folder create BaseService.js that contain

import http from "@/axios";

export default class BaseService {

    static get METHOD_GET() {
        return 'GET';

    static get METHOD_POST() {
        return 'POST';

    static get METHOD_PUT() {
        return 'PUT';

    static get METHOD_DELETE() {
        return 'DELETE';

    constructor(prefix) {
        this.prefix = prefix;

    index(data) {
        return this.performRequest(BaseService.METHOD_GET, '', data);

    show(id) {
        return this.performRequest(BaseService.METHOD_GET, id);

    store(data) {
        return this.performRequest(BaseService.METHOD_POST, '', data);

    update(id, data) {
        return this.performRequest(BaseService.METHOD_PUT, id, data);

    destroy(id) {
        return this.performRequest(BaseService.METHOD_DELETE, id);

    performRequest(method, url, data = {}, headers = {}) {
        let endPoint = this.prefix + (url ? "/" + url : "");
        let options = {
            url: endPoint,

        options[method.toUpperCase() === BaseService.METHOD_GET ? "params" : "data"] = data;
        return http(options);

After that let's say you want to request API related to product ProductService.js in the services folder

import BaseService from "./BaseService";

class ProductService extends BaseService {

    constructor(prefix) {


export default new ProductService('product');

How to call service?

In your component in getProduct() method is where you get the products list

    <div v-for="(product, index) in" :key="index">
      <span>Name: </span>
      <span>{{ }}</span>

import ProductService from "@/services/ProductService";

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            products: {}
    methods: {
        getProduct() {
            ProductService.index().then(res => {
                this.products =;
            }).catch(e => {
    created() {

If you want to request other logic other than crud you can customize

import BaseService from "./BaseService";

class ProductService extends BaseService {

    constructor(prefix) {

    custom(data) {
        return this.performRequest(BaseService.METHOD_GET, 'url', data);


export default new ProductService('product');